Poisson's equation

美 [ˈpɔɪzsənz ɪˈkweɪʒn]




  1. The boundary layer flow control using dielectric barrier surface discharge plasma is simulated using Poisson's equation, drift-diffusion model and N-S equations.
  2. The dielectric barrier surface discharge process is simulated using Poisson's equation and drift-diffusion equation and the distribution history of electron, ion and electric field is gained.
  3. Poisson's equation and continuity equations for electron and hole are formulated into a subcircuit format suitable for general circuit simulator in the equivalent circuit approach.
  4. First, according to the actual organic static induction transistor establishing the physical model and selecting appropriate structure parameters, solves poisson's equation by adopting finite element method.
  5. By using linear E f n s approximation, a new analytical charge control model of the double heterojunction double planar doped high electron mobility transistor ( HEMT) is deduced based on Poisson's equation.
  6. The ion density, flux, dose distributions are calculated by solving Poisson's equation and the equations of ion motion and continuity using finite difference methods.
  7. The limit of solutions for boundary value problems of poisson's equation with boundary condition of integral forms
  8. The model is based on a numerical solution of the continuity equations for electrons, positive ions coupled with Poisson's equation.
  9. When the inner hole of domain is contracted to zero, the limiting function is the solution for boundary value problem of Poisson's equation without condition of integral forms.
  10. Detailed formulation and numerical examples for two-dimensional Poisson's equation are given in the paper to demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the method.
  11. According to current continuity equations and Poisson's equation, a complete analytic function for recombination probability density, current density and recombination efficiency was given.
  12. A Fast Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient Method for Solving Poisson's Equation
  13. In this paper, a Green quasi-function is firstly set up by using the basic solution of Poisson's equation. This function satisfies the homogeneous boundary condition of Poisson's equation.
  14. In this paper, a kind of generalized difference methods for Poisson's equation was given. The trial function space is coupling finite element space and the test function space is piecewise constant space about the dual elements, also the error estimate was given.
  15. Generalized Difference Methods for Poisson's Equation on Coupling Finite Element Space
  16. A universal function f with summed form in dual reciprocity boundary element formulation for axisymmetric problems has been derived from three dimensional Poisson's equation whose right hand is radial basis function.
  17. A Fourier method for the numerical solution of poisson's equation
  18. This article provides a brief review of physical models of nanoscale MOS devices and gives device modeling examples based on self-consistent solutions to Poisson's equation, non-equilibrium Green's functions and the Schr? dinger equation.
  19. Boundary Element Method of Poisson's Equation in Infinite Bar Region with a Hole
  20. The Poisson's equation from nonlinear system equation is solved with damped-Newton algorithm.
  21. In this paper, some boundary value problems of Poisson's equation with boundary condition of integral form are discussed. Its variable principle and the existent uniqueness of generalized solutions are proved. And its approximate solutions are solved by Ritz method.
  22. In this paper, some basic relations between the spectrum of gravity and magnetic anomalies are deduced by means of the poisson's equation in the wave number domain.
  23. In this paper, the current density equation, the continuity equations and the Poisson's equation for the semiconductor, devices with a position-dependent energy band structure are obtained from the Boltzmann's transport equation and the electrodynamics equations, respectively.
  24. A numerical solution to poisson's equation for MIS structure is discussed in detail. An iterative formula for a nonuniform mesh is derived and suitable boundary conditions are also given.
  25. A Mortar Type Generalized Difference Method for Poisson's Equation
  26. The linear algebraic equations are solved usually by treating them as difference equations of Poisson's equation.
  27. The algorithm applies to both enhancement ( E-) and depletion ( D-) MOS and the strict solution of Poisson's equation by numerical method is avoided.
  28. Boundary regularity results for viscosity solutions of Poisson's equation and fully nonlinear uniformly elliptic equations under the Dini condition are obtained by use of Caffarelli's perturbation method, which give a simple proof of Theorem 4.11 in [ 8] without use of potential theory.
  29. Some boundary value problems of poisson's equation with conditions of integral form in mechanics
  30. Theoretically the numerical solution of Poisson's equation or Laplace's equation plus Neumann boundary condition calculated by the boundary integration method is not unique.